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4 day experimental workshop with Adam Paolozza

November 3-6, 2015

























It’s a well-worn cliché that actors from Lecoq are great movers but cannot speak or emote, while actors trained in a naturalistic system have great depth but little technique. One could say Lecoq was master of the Body while Stanislavski learned how to tame the Heart.

I think this is bullshit.

All great acting is physical, mental and emotional. Lecoq and Stanislavski were both looking deeper towards the pure technique of the actor: the art of being on stage; of being present.

Our contemporary obsession with compartmentalizing and dividing into categories and genres only does a disservice to theatre and to these two great teachers. Shouldn’t great acting be  just great acting and not this or that kind of great acting?


So, how do we get beyond the prejudice and clichés surrounding Lecoq and Stanislavski and find an approach that brings them together?

A Mash-Up between these two theatrical giants of the 20th Century.  


Transformation is the key here: by taking key concepts from Stanislavski and reinterpreting them through key exercises by Lecoq we want to transform the process and open up new possibilities for actor training.  

We want to take ole’ Jacques and Constantin and mix’em up, mash’em together and see what happens.


This workshop will consist of 4 intensive days of exploration including:

  • movement work

  • scene study

  • mask  work

  • improvisation

  • text work  


This workshop is suitable for all performers of all disciplines who are curious, wish to experiment and take their existing craft further.



A 4 Day Experimental Acting Workshop with Bad New Days’ Adam Paolozza


November 3, 4, 5, 6, 2015

11am-3pm Daily

@ Pia Bouman’s School for Ballet and Creative Movement

6 Noble Street

(In Parkdale - just West of Dufferin)


$200 + HST ($226)

($50 deposit required to hold your spot)


*20% Discount available for all union members*

**Some scholarships available**


For all questions or to reserve a spot write to:


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