Bad New Days
Lecoq Symposium June 8 @ Tarragon Theatre
We are hosting a symposium around the ideas and pedagogy of the famous French theatre teacher Jacques Lecoq and the legacy of his teaching in Canadian Theatre. The format will be a guided discussion led by Adam Paolozza and featuring an inter-generational mix of Lecoq trained theatre creators from Toronto. Guests speakers include: Dean Gilmour and Michele Smith from Theatre Smith-Gilmour, Martha Ross and Leah Cherniak, formerly from Theatre Columbus, Dan Watson co-creator of Ralph & Lina from the Dora Award-winning company Ahuri Theatre, Viktor Lukawski from Zou Theatre, and more.
"Jacques Lecoq's vision, whether it be through pedagogy, acting, or directing, to form a complete actor-creator and poet, remains a fundamental support, nevertheless in perpetual motion." - Paola Rizza, teacher at Ecole Jacques Lecoq
Lecoq's unique theatre pedagogy, focusing on movement and the body, has influenced generations of theatre creators from all over the world for over 45 years. Famous Lecoq-trained artists and companies outside of Canada include: London's Theatre du Complicite led by Simon McBurney, Arianne Mnouchkine from Theatre du Soleil, French master teacher Philippe Gaulier, Sacha Baron Cohen, Emma Thompson, Geoffrey Rush and many more. Through his teaching Lecoq always provoked his students to discover their own vision of theatre. Lecoq claimed “Tout Bouge” (everything moves) and this held for the physical world as well as the mental one.
“This is the central idea in the work of Jacques Lecoq. The actor- performer is an artist and first of all a poet. His language is the body. Lecoq’s pedagogy trains the body of the performer to be able to become a poetic instrument.” -Giovanni Fusetti
Over the course of the day we will be screening a documentary about Lecoq called Les Deux Voyages de Jacques Lecoq (The Two Voyages of Jacques Lecoq) and then holding a moderated conversation. Guests are asked to RSVP in advance and light refreshments are provided.
BAD NEW DAYS presents our inaugural LECOQ SYMPOSIUM
a round table discussion about the legacy of French theatre teacher Jacques Lecoq
Sunday June 8 from 11-5pm at the Tarragon Theatre 30 Bridgman Ave
FREE ADMITTANCE – light refreshments provided