Bad New Days
From the Tragic to the Grotesque:
Tragedy>>Bouffon Mash-Up workshop with Adam Paolozza

Tragedy + Bouffon = WTF?!
Bad New Days is offering a new four day workshop exploring the relationship between Tragedy and the Grotesque.
Q: What does Tragedy mean for us today in a world of endless violence and media sensationalism? What images/texts can we still call tragic? And how do we mock or Bouffon this violent world that is already so grotesque? What kind of humour can denounce the wicked but not fall into the ironic trap of relativism?
A: Perhaps we need to keep an element of the Tragic in the Bouffon and vice versa...
Through improvisations with movement and voice work we will explore these two dramatic territories and see how they are connected. We will look at the Greek Chorus, The Tragic Hero and the Bouffon and see what kind of body, voice & rhythm is necessary for each.
We will be working on classical and contemporary texts from the Greeks to Shakespeare to Beckett to Heiner Mueller.
This class is suitable for performers, writers, directors of all levels from all disciplines.
Tragedy>>Bouffon Mash-Up
October 28, 29, 30, 31 2014
Every day from 11-4pm
$350 + HST
>>Discount available for Union members and returning students
>>Sign up before October 10th and receive an early bird discount
To Sign Up and for more info contact:
about Bad New Days Mash-Up workshops
This is the second in our series of Mash-Up workshops, after our successful Lecoq>>Stanislavski Mash-Up last year. We are dedicated to offering professional training opportunities that unite practical theatre skills with provocative theatrical problems and provide an encounter between diverse pedagogies and styles.This is our way of addressing the need for actor/creator training and how to arm artists with tools for confronting the world in their work.